Tuesday, April 27, 2010

28.04 New Hometask(2)

Read the text about the ostrich and decide whether the statements are true (T), false
(F) or there is no information (NI). Tick (√) the right box. An example (0) has been
done for you.
The Biggest Bird
The biggest bird of all is the ostrich. It can weigh 300 pounds or more. It
grows to be about eight feet tall.
The ostrich is incapable of flying. There are other birds that cannot fly – emus
of Australia, rheas of South America, and kiwis of New Zealand. Scientists think the
ancestors of these birds millions of years ago were smaller and flew like other birds.
But most of the giant nonflying birds today live on islands where they have few
enemies. Because no danger threatened them, they had no need to fly. Over millions
of years, these kinds of birds grew bigger and heavier and their wings became weaker.
The ostrich, which lives on the African plains, does have hungry enemies such
as lions and cheetahs. But the ostrich can run fifty miles an hour, faster than most of
its enemies. Besides, the ostrich is so tall and has such sharp eyesight that it can see
danger from far off. In fact, zebras often stay near an ostrich and use it as a lookout.
When it runs, they run.
The ostrich lays the biggest egg in the world today. Its egg measures six to
nine inches long and weighs about three pounds. If it were empty, it could hold the
insides of about eighteen chicken eggs. The shell of a bird’s egg must be strong
enough to hold the developing baby bird. It must also be thin enough so that the chick
growing inside can breathe.
T F NI For the
(0) The biggest bird always grows taller than a grown
√ 0. *
(1) Scientists think that their ancestors were larger than
they are today.
(2) Their ancestors could probably fly. 2……
(3) The biggest bird can run faster than most of its
(4) Zebras stay near an ostrich because it will fight off
their enemies.
(5) The eggs of the ostrich are widely used for cooking. 5……
(6) The egg of the biggest bird is six to nine inches long. 6……
No of points:
Task 2 Questions 7-15
Read the true stories and find them suitable headings (A-J).
An example (0) has been done for you.
A. Go home and wait
B. Huge criminal record
C. Unexpected guests in the car
D. Hotel’s loud snorers
E. Wrong place, wrong time
F. Call us for assistance
G. Protection from burglars
H. Closing down Denny’s
I. Pets in the trunk
J. Knowledge helps to escape
For the
(0) E Darnell Madison was shot and killed in March in Homewood
when he burst into a motel room intending to rob the seven men
he had seen with a large amount of money. He was unaware they
were armed police officers working on another case.
When Al Asbaty returned to his car after shopping, he was
startled to find out that thousands of bees were building a hive
inside his Mercedes. Due to the sunny weather he had left the
windows rolled down allowing a queen bee to fly in, followed
by about 20,000 of her faithful servants. At last a bee expert
Tom Fuscalo managed to drive the insects into an artificial hive.
Denny’s restaurants are always open 24 hours a day. When they
decided to close last Christmas (first time ever), they realized
that a lot of doors did not have locks. Most of those that did have
locks, no one knew where to find the keys!
Shortly after the 911 emergency number became available, an
elderly and quite ill lady appeared in a Rochester hospital
emergency room, having driven herself to the hospital and
barely managing to stagger in from the parking lot. The horrified
nurse said,” Why didn’t you call the 911 number and get an
ambulance?” The lady said,” My phone doesn’t have an eleven”.

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